I believe that there are 2 meaning in a word "HOW".
It is How Or Why.

I believe those words are interrelated. They both influence me, and some people who realize it, to live life (i'm sure about it. this is my story, remember?).

(K, ignore those words. It's just an example and an epic thing. Haha. Back to the topic :D
How can 2 question words could affect my life?
Why it could be?

See that?
If there's HOW question, it will be followed by WHY question. Or vice versa, anyway.
My survey said, everyone who know how, they know why. And someone who doesn't know how, he doesn't know why. It's like a dependency that people always want to know both why and how.

Life isn't as easy as the quotes said. But it's as easy as what your mind set you to be. When your mind told you that you cant, so will you.

Therefore, who set your mind?
Yeah, it's YOU !

SO ! Whenever you don't know why, try to arrange a PLAN. So you could let yourself find a REASON why you do the "HOW" things. A REASON means you know WHY or WHY YOU SHOULD? And if you stuck in middle of your way, search a REASON. Then your spirit will be maximum charged to take steps ahead.

BUT, how about if you cant find neither A REASON nor A PLAN? Just settle down, and set your mind once again. In this case, you're the one who MUST motivate yourself.

PS : The most effective solution is arrange a PLAN "HOW" then you found the REASON "WHY". (Because I'm the girl who believe that there will be WHY after a WHY. Its a never-ending question.)

You may trust this or ignore this,
there are always two sides in a story
IT'S MY STORY - sixtyvix :)

Time Follower

(Pengikut waktu)

Adakah manusia yang diciptakan hanya untuk menjadi pengikut waktu? Berjalan searah dengan kemana roda waktu membawanya. Bergulir bersama dengan roda yang tak kenal berbagi.

Adakah manusia yang diciptakan hanya untuk menjadi pengikut waktu? Yang tak pernah bermimpi untuk melakukan sesuatu setelah atau bahkan sebelum wakut mendahuluinya. Yang tak pernah memiliki inisiatif untuk menjadi lebih daripada waktu menempanya.

"Is It ME?"
I hope it isn't
But unfortunately
HALF of TIME FOLLOWER's characteristic is

Ada beberapa orang yang mengetahui caranya bermimpi, tapi tidak pernah tahu caranya mengembangkan mimpinya tersebut. Yang ia tahu hanya berusaha, tapi berusaha sampai mana? Dan usaha seperti apa lagi?

Saya adalah satu di antara orang-orang tersebut.
Tak memiliki arah.

Pengikut waktu.
Saya mencoba mengikuti waktu. Beberapa alasan ;
Saya takut kecewa, saya takut gagal, saya takut sakit, saya takut menjadi tak berguna, saya takut tak bisa menjadi apa pun, dan karena saya takut.
Jadi saya tidak pernah memikirkan cara untuk mencapai target saya. Saya hanya terfokus pada target saya. SATU target, dan saya tahu Tuhan beserta saya untuk mencapai target saya tersebut. Jadi saya tidak menyusun seribu perahu untuk mengantar saya jika saya bisa berenang dan mungkin bisa saja suatu hari akan sampai pada titik target saya itu.

Tetapi lalu setelah saya berpikir lagi, apa mereka yang merencanakan itu selalu sukses? Apa mereka yang menyusun tabel demi tabel kehidupan itu akan sukses? Mungkin YA. Tapi apakah saya berada di salah satu kemungkinan "YA" tersebut?
Rata Tengah
Lalu saya kembali kehilangan arah.
Haruskah berjalan tanpa rencana, atau HARUS ADA rencana?

Hidup terasa melelahkan. Bahkan menimbang-nimbang pun seakan tidak cukup layak untuk menemukan kepastian. Hanya satu yang saya yakin PASTI.

Suatu hari nanti semua ketidakpastian akan berakhir.
Entah kapan.
Ikuti saja waktu.

Tessie Setiabudi, M.A, MBA.
Salah satu pembicara dalam sebuah seminar Training for Excelence berkata
"Fokuskan target anda kemudian loncatlah. Tidak perlu pedulikan berapa kali anda butuh meloncat atau bagaimana anda meloncat? Loncatlah secepat dan sejauh yang anda bisa sebelum waktu anda habis hanya untuk berpikir"

"Tetap berkarya dan jangan lengah"
Share it :

Look, there's no quotes said "PLAN YOUR SUCCESS". So, am I right ?
Still wondering anyway ;)

Quotes Of The Day

"Relax and Enjoy. It's your life, live it and love it."

Start to love yourself :)

Holiday Expression !

(over reacting immediately :P)
Well, I love listing.
Why? Because :|
Uhm, I don't know.
I just LOVE IT !

So, this one for my holiday list. Ignore it if you started feeling sick even from the very first line ( I hope you're not :( , sorry before).

List : 4 Reason why I LOVE holiday :D
1. I could wake up late, even late in the afternoon (if my mom doesn't calling me badly for times! Sigh~) Wow, it's a fact that I HATE to wake up early in the morning for school. Not just because the "school" word comes to the things about studying, learning, tasks, tests, or something sounds terrible like that. It's also success to pushing my mood to the minimum level. Again, I LOVE HOLIDAY !

2. I would never ever stressed because of the tasks or the test. Hahaha. They always make my day darkened when I realized that "Today, I have a task, no, even more tasks and tests." CRAP ! So, holiday is the key to the freedom. Lalalalalala~

3. I would enjoy my life. Even just for days or weeks, it would brighten up my mood and mind. SURELY, it is ! I still LOVE holiday, even though I'll be at home along holiday. I have so much to do; watching, reading, hanging out, chatting, anything! So, I would never had an excuse to let myself down.


Again, List : 4 To-Dos for my-five-weeks-holiday-but-have been-cut-by-1 week-MOS-before-first day school-and-2 weeks-before-the result's-coming up (total my holiday = 2 weeks ! DAMN CRAP!).
1. Relaxing
2. Relaxing

3. Relaxing

4. Relaxing

Well, I didn't find any idea b
esides relaxing, anyway. I admit that I treated my time miserably, but may I, please? Hmmm, after a year in a mess, I should make it up. First to do is relax, right? (hahaha)

Anyway, I still should say this to you :D

Love Isn't

Love isn't blind; sometimes, you see something physically
Love isn't crazy; sometimes, you know that you're sane enough to love
Love doesn't give you happiness; sometimes, it hurts you much more than before
Love doesn't save your smile; sometimes, it cannot stop your tears falling down

But the truly love makes you understand what is pureness all about
don't know why; neither you love her, nor you love him, nor you love them
don't know how to treat someone or people exactly
You let yourself down

But you still believe that
you're in the right way
Sometimes, it's all because your heart say so

Me = Mizzwhateva

Surely, I'm that girl ! :)
So, visit my last blog http://mizzwhateva.wordpress.com sometimes there.

Uhm, myb there will no new entry anymore, because I'm right here ! On BLOGGER, being apart of the most popular site of blogging. And I love my new blog (at least the design of my page is interesting for me- haha). So, I'll keep writing, hope me best !

Love you {(♥)}
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